Filipino American Association Of
South Georgia Charitable Fund
On December 5, 2000, the Community Support Foundation, Inc.
established the Filipino American Association of South Georgia Charitable Fund.
The purpose of this Fund is a) to actively support chartable, educational, and
humanitarian causes, b) to promote close cultural, social, and community
activities between Filipinos and Americans, and c) to preserve and promote
Filipino and American culture. The initial Board of Advisors of this Fund are
Henry A. Eugenio, Arturo Leberiaga, Ceferina Reyes and Minerva C. Wheedleton.
Some of the initial goals are to establish and maintain a
Filipiniana reference section at local libraries and to produce a Philippine
cultural show in Thomasville, Georgia. All contributions to this Fund are tax
deductible as a charitable contribution and any contributions may be designated
for a particular charitable purpose. Contributions should be made as follows:
To: Community Support Foundation, Inc.
For: Filipino American Fund
Address: Community Foundation of Southwest Georgia
P.O. Box 2654
Thomasville, GA
If you have any questions please call Mr. Wade Miller at the
Community Support Foundation, Inc. at (229) 228-5088.

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